Gurucharan Singh, Author at Educate Punjab Children

The Role of Gurdwaras in Promoting Literacy and Learning in Punjab

The Role of Gurdwaras in Promoting Literacy and Learning in Punjab

Gurdwaras, the Sikh House of worship and centers of religious, cultural, and social activities, have great roles in encouraging literacy and learning in Punjab. Apart from their religious roles, these institutions are playing significant roles in providing educational services in the region. Through their available resources and outreach within the community, Gurdwaras play a major […]

How Scholarships are Opening Doors for Sikh Students in Punjab 

How Scholarships are Opening Doors for Sikh Students in Punjab

Punjab is a challenged land with a lot of opportunities but not many resources. Capable of many great things, the Sikh community is sadly riddled with problems like substandard living conditions, poor economy, low literacy rate, prejudice, and many other socio-economic problems. Many of these problems stem from one major problem, which is the low […]

How Community-Led Initiatives are Supporting Education in Punjab

How Community-Led Initiatives are Supporting Education in Punjab

Education is one of the most important essentials of socio-economic development and in the context of Punjab, India it is facing a number of challenges, for instance inadequate physical facilities and scarcity of teachers. In these challenges, one promising model has been identified as costing a new innovation wave which is the community-driven engagement model, […]

The Impact of Teacher Training on Quality Education in Punjab

The Impact of Teacher Training on Quality Education in Punjab

Teacher training is key to providing quality education, especially in places like Punjab, where the education system is constantly changing. The success of efforts to educate Punjab depends on how skilled their teachers are. In Punjab, recent efforts have focused on improving teacher training programs to make sure teachers can meet the different needs of […]

Help Break the Cycle of Poverty in Punjab Education

Help Break the Cycle of Poverty in Punjab Education

To this day, poverty in Punjab education is an enormous issue. A vast majority of people still struggle for their basic life needs along with it. While major populated cities may have developed and overcome the problem of poverty, the urban areas that fall under the region of Punjab are still facing it.  The Indian […]

Why is Seva so important to Sikhs?

Why is Seva so important to Sikhs

Have you ever wondered why is seva so important in Sikhs? Why does the Sikh culture hold this much importance for sewa? Well talking about the literal meaning, the word sewa means ‘selfless service’. It is giving to others without expecting anything in return or for oneself. It is predominant in Hinduism and Sikhism. The […]

How to Sponsor a Sikh Child in India Through Charity

How to Sponsor a Sikh Child in India Through Charity

This year alone millions of children across the globe continue to struggle to get basic needs such as education and healthcare, but sponsoring a Sikh child in India through charity provides a real opportunity to make a difference. Socio-economic factors remain a real problem for Sikh children in India, which negatively impacts their psychological development […]

How Small Donations Lead to Big Changes in Education

How Small Donations Lead to Big Changes in Education

In a world dominated by significant changes and grand revolutions, we often overlook the power of small values. The significance of modest contributions, especially in education, must be addressed. We need to remember how small donations lead to big changes in education. Yet, these small donations make a big difference, collectively. For this BIG IMPACT, […]

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